Any auditorium seating stock in HongJi?
Our present products are stocked in GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD. factory. If you are considering , then you are free to contact our staff to inquire about the detailed advice. We can send the finished sample to you for quality check. If you need other support like custom service, then we are capable of customizing products based on your needs. But it is going to take longer time to obtain the products that you want.

HongJi has a complete industrial chain of manufacturing movie theater chairs for home. We are well-known because we manufacture products with high workmanship. As one of HongJi's multiple product series, office chair series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The design of HONGJI auditorium chairs is strictly taken into consideration. It is thought about how it should look, what qualities it must have and its dimensions. Its leg can be fixed or movable. The product requires only little maintenance. People who bought this product thought that it was a valuable investment for their machine. Its applicable sites include lecture hall, theatre, cinema, conference hall, concert hall, etc.

We are looking forward to building long-term business cooperations with all our customers. In the following business activities, we will keep honest and respectful in communication and interactions, and we will consider establishing regular lines of communication. In such ways, we hope to make progress in improving relationships with clients.

HongJi has a complete industrial chain of manufacturing movie theater chairs for home. We are well-known because we manufacture products with high workmanship. As one of HongJi's multiple product series, office chair series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The design of HONGJI auditorium chairs is strictly taken into consideration. It is thought about how it should look, what qualities it must have and its dimensions. Its leg can be fixed or movable. The product requires only little maintenance. People who bought this product thought that it was a valuable investment for their machine. Its applicable sites include lecture hall, theatre, cinema, conference hall, concert hall, etc.

We are looking forward to building long-term business cooperations with all our customers. In the following business activities, we will keep honest and respectful in communication and interactions, and we will consider establishing regular lines of communication. In such ways, we hope to make progress in improving relationships with clients.