Is there instruction manual for auditorium chair manufacturer ?
At GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD., the instruction manual is usually provided along with our products. If you do not find the instruction manual in your shipment, please contact us as soon as possible and we will re-deliver to you. The instruction manual contains the guidance of usage/storing/maintenance, which you can also view the related video posed on our website. Our service package includes the attentive after-sales support. For any problems in product quality, maintenance, application, or others, feel free to contact us. Our service principle is to make you satisfied all along.

The gather and cultivation of outstanding talents and advanced technology lead to the progress of HONGJI. school desk suppliers series manufactured by HongJi include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. HONGJI movie theater chairs for home will go through a range of stringent quality tests. They are mainly AZO testing, flame retardant testing, stain resistance testing, and VOC and formaldehyde emission testing. It has an upscale, refined look with minimally exposed fasteners. Through the careful inspection of the professional QC team, HONGJI product is 100% qualified. It will help users keep on task with ergonomic comfort that minimizes fatigue.

HongJi's commitment to quality, efficient manufacturing, and service win customers' trust. Please contact.

The gather and cultivation of outstanding talents and advanced technology lead to the progress of HONGJI. school desk suppliers series manufactured by HongJi include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. HONGJI movie theater chairs for home will go through a range of stringent quality tests. They are mainly AZO testing, flame retardant testing, stain resistance testing, and VOC and formaldehyde emission testing. It has an upscale, refined look with minimally exposed fasteners. Through the careful inspection of the professional QC team, HONGJI product is 100% qualified. It will help users keep on task with ergonomic comfort that minimizes fatigue.

HongJi's commitment to quality, efficient manufacturing, and service win customers' trust. Please contact.