Is there instruction manual for theater seating?
At GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD., the instruction manual is usually provided along with our products. If you do not find the instruction manual in your shipment, please contact us as soon as possible and we will re-deliver to you. The instruction manual contains the guidance of usage/storing/maintenance, which you can also view the related video posed on our website. Our service package includes the attentive after-sales support. For any problems in product quality, maintenance, application, or others, feel free to contact us. Our service principle is to make you satisfied all along.

HongJi was established a few years ago and is proud to be the leading furniture solutions manufacturer in China. The school desk suppliers series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The production of HONGJI auditorium chair manufacturer follows the normative conditions. It can be folded up into a profile when not in use, saving space. The product is ecologically green. It provides free and clean fuel for itself and no fossil fuel or electricity is consumed. The outer shell is made of high impact polypropylene with sound absorbing holes.

HONGJI desires to be a leading enterprise that provides high quality service for customers. Contact!

HongJi was established a few years ago and is proud to be the leading furniture solutions manufacturer in China. The school desk suppliers series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The production of HONGJI auditorium chair manufacturer follows the normative conditions. It can be folded up into a profile when not in use, saving space. The product is ecologically green. It provides free and clean fuel for itself and no fossil fuel or electricity is consumed. The outer shell is made of high impact polypropylene with sound absorbing holes.

HONGJI desires to be a leading enterprise that provides high quality service for customers. Contact!