What should I do once I receive school furniture imperfections?
We take pride in our products, and we ensure you all school furniture receive serious QC test before shipping. Yet if the last thing we expect happened, we will either refund you or send you the replacement after we receive the returned damaged item. Here we always promise to bring you the best quality products in a timely and efficient manner. Don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service if any issue occurred.

As we continue to design and manufacture waiting area seating, GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD. has become a national market leader. HongJi produces a number of different product series, including waiting room chairs. The manufacturing process of HONGJI auditorium chairs is well-conducted by a professional production team. It is suitable for furnishing a waiting room, an office, or any other high-traffic area. HongJi undertakes to ensure that its production complies with the quality assurance system. It will help users keep on task with ergonomic comfort that minimizes fatigue.

HONGJI has been consistently offering one-stop service for customers at home and abroad. Please contact.

As we continue to design and manufacture waiting area seating, GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD. has become a national market leader. HongJi produces a number of different product series, including waiting room chairs. The manufacturing process of HONGJI auditorium chairs is well-conducted by a professional production team. It is suitable for furnishing a waiting room, an office, or any other high-traffic area. HongJi undertakes to ensure that its production complies with the quality assurance system. It will help users keep on task with ergonomic comfort that minimizes fatigue.

HONGJI has been consistently offering one-stop service for customers at home and abroad. Please contact.