Where can I follow my office seating manufacturer order status?
Once your goods have been shipped out, your order becomes available for online status tracking. GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD. will send you the tracking number offered by our partner - the logistics company. With the number in hand, you are able to view carrier information and your order's current location at your convenience. If you don't have your order number, please call us for further assistance. We've got professional after-sales service staff. They are trained to acquire a wealth of knowledge of the shipping and have the ability to deal with emergencies as soon as possible.

With its complete auditorium chairs industry chain, HONGJI has gained more fame since its establishment. theater chairs produced by HongJi is very popular in the market. The production stages of HONGJI mesh chair cover the following aspects. They are materials and components procurement, mechanical parts fabrication, structure fabrication, and quality tests. It satisfies demanding functional and comfort requirements. Compared to other products in the market, HONGJI product is more excellent in over performance. The sturdy tube frame creates the ultimate stability for the chair.

There is no limit on the road of pursuing good quality for our theater chairs. Contact!

With its complete auditorium chairs industry chain, HONGJI has gained more fame since its establishment. theater chairs produced by HongJi is very popular in the market. The production stages of HONGJI mesh chair cover the following aspects. They are materials and components procurement, mechanical parts fabrication, structure fabrication, and quality tests. It satisfies demanding functional and comfort requirements. Compared to other products in the market, HONGJI product is more excellent in over performance. The sturdy tube frame creates the ultimate stability for the chair.

There is no limit on the road of pursuing good quality for our theater chairs. Contact!