Why HongJi school furniture is priced higher?
We set the price reasonably and scientifically based on the market rules and promise customers can get a favorable price. For the long-term development of the enterprise, the price of our school furniture must cover costs and minimum profits. Considering 3Cs in tandem: cost, customer, and competition in the market, these three factors determine our final selling price. As for the cost, we take it as one of the most important factors influencing our decision. To ensure product quality, we invest heavily in the purchase of raw materials, the introduction of high-automation facilities, the conduction of standardized quality control, etc. If you are charged a lower price than the average, you may not get a quality-guaranteed product.

Established years ago, GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD. is one of the main manufacturers of high school chairs in China with a solid industry background and related experience. HongJi produces a number of different product series, including public seatings. The design concept of HONGJI furniture solutions keeps up with the market trends. Padded seat and back cushions provide long-lasting comfort. The product is not easy to accumulate dust. Its fins are less likely to get heat which may generate electrostatic discharge which attracts air impurities due to electrostatic discharge. Its leg can be fixed or movable.

HONGJI adheres to the wish of being a greatly influential public seatings supplier in the next future. Inquire now!

Established years ago, GuangDong Longjiang HongJi Seating Co.,LTD. is one of the main manufacturers of high school chairs in China with a solid industry background and related experience. HongJi produces a number of different product series, including public seatings. The design concept of HONGJI furniture solutions keeps up with the market trends. Padded seat and back cushions provide long-lasting comfort. The product is not easy to accumulate dust. Its fins are less likely to get heat which may generate electrostatic discharge which attracts air impurities due to electrostatic discharge. Its leg can be fixed or movable.

HONGJI adheres to the wish of being a greatly influential public seatings supplier in the next future. Inquire now!